Meet Our Bishop
Bishop Dr. Claude Hibbert
Presiding Prelate & Senior Pastor
Bishop Dr. Claude Anthony Hibbert was born in 1959 in Kingston, Jamaica West Indies. During his adolescent years, which were a time of mixed thoughts and emotions, his life took off down a certain path that was shaped by the choices he made. However, like many mothers, his mother, Cynthia, who was saved, started to earnestly intercede for him, believing the best for her son, she constantly encouraged and instilled in him the importance of accepting the Lord as his personal Savior.
He never failed to thank God for his mother who interceded on his behalf to the Lord. Because of her prayers and her encouragement for him to seek the Lord, and after finally getting to know Christ for himself, Bishop Dr. Claude Hibbert accepted the Lord as his personal Savior and was baptized in May of 1983. Sadly, four weeks later his mother went home to be with the Lord. As he continued to walk with the Lord, he would answer the call God placed on his life, like Samuel he responded, “Speak Lord thy servant heareth.”
Armed with a deep passion for the word and the work of God, he has exemplified himself as a true, sincere servant of God and for God’s people. Bishop Dr. Claude Hibbert served at the Power of Faith Ministries in Kingston, Jamaica under the leadership of Bishop Delford Davis, where he served for 23 years. There he became part of the ministry team of teaching, instructing, outreach and has worked extensively in the areas of administration, evangelism, counseling, leading both the youth and men ministries and has supervised and managed numerous church development projects. God would continue to prepare him for the work ahead through intensive studies; challenging him to go further and higher for his calling. He was ordained as minister in May 1999, and by divine appointment, he and his wife were seconded to the United States to Pastor. Both Bishop Davis and his spouse Rev. P. Davis played a pivotal role in his life and in their ministry.

Bishop Hibbert is truly “a man after God’s own heart,” with a gentle, lovely and humbly spirit. He is anointed and an authorized preacher and teacher who love souls. He remained faithful to his charge and with fervent commitment to impart the truth of God’s Word. His gift of teaching and pastoring is seen in his dynamic, preaching style backed by a profound conviction to preach God’s Word, being doctrinally sound, and conveying messages that are inspiring and encouraging. He is totally committed to winning the lost and caring for the less fortunate. His heart’s desire is to affect change for Christ, every life he has touched. As a result, many lives have been transformed.
Bishop Hibbert has never turned down a challenge and is a multi-talented individual who believes in giving the best of him for the cause of the ministry. His faith and trust in God has brought him through many tough and trying times. God is truly the author and finisher of his faith. The path God has chosen for him is a long one, but through it all, he knows that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him, so he continues to persevere. He is very much involved in community development and has received many acclamations for which he gives glory to God. His travels have taken him across the United States, Canada and England, preaching the gospel. He obtained both a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from the International Theological Seminary of California he holds a Doctorate in Theology. Bishop Dr. Claude Hibbert is the presiding prelate of Deeper Life World Outreach Ministries, Inc. a growing and vibrant ministry in Valley Stream, New York that has experienced tremendous growth to the glory of God. He is married to the lovely First Lady, Rev. Dr. Sonia Marie Hibbert for 32 years where she serves prayerfully and diligently with him in the ministry. They have been blessed with a beautiful daughter, Claudia and grandson, Tristan. To God be the glory!